28yo Woman: I have as much sex as I like – and it’s great – but I want something more

Pamela Stephenson Connolly replies to an email:

I am a 28-year-old single woman. I work in a professional job and play quite hard at weekends. However, one thing missing in my life is a partner. I think about sex most hours of the day, and watch a lot of porn. I can pick up men very quickly, the sex is usually quite intense and I enjoy taking control. But, at heart, I want commitment and a partner. Please help.

When the lack of a committed partner becomes more important than your current sexual style, you will probably prioritise this quite naturally. Most likely, this process has begun already, and will intensify over the next couple of years. We all go through a series of developmental stages as our lives unfold, and with each stage comes a new challenge; yours appears to be changing from the “single” fun of one’s 20s, to the notion of stability and the desire to create a couple with the potential for longevity.

This is all normal, although it is worth remembering that not everyone progresses through the same developmental stages in the same order. What you have been achieving through experimentation is a wealth of learning about who you are sexually – what excites you, and the nature of your erotic triggers. Knowing about these will help you to chose longer-term partners who truly satisfy your erotic creativity. In fact, acquiring sexual self-knowledge in this way is a smart insurance policy.

Comments at the Chateau:

* “I can pick up men very quickly, the sex is usually quite intense and I ENJOY TAKING CONTROL.”

I don’t hear this discussed enough in the manosphere. When women are riding the cock carousal, they seek out guys who they can control, who they can dispose of easily, who’s disapproval is meaningless and/or unlikely, and who there is little risk of her “falling for”. These are usually greater betas/lesser alphas.

When she says she’s seeking “something more”, what she means is that she wants to be be dominated and fall head over heels for a guy who can control her. However, now she’s slutted and slurped herself into a corner: a solid guy who could properly dominate her doesn’t want her used, untrustworthy vag for anything more than a scratching post for his cock, no matter how quickly she changes her slut tune and tries to present as a “good girl”. The “something more” she seeks is already behind her. She’s stuck with lower SMV guys forever. You go grrrl!

* What the poor stoopid Shiksa really wants – but what the Eskimo Femin@zi Industrial Complex can never but never but never allow her to realize that she wants – is the infinite pain of childbirth followed by the infinite ecstasy of holding that newborn child in her arms…

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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