Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Holocaust As White-On-White Crime

Are Jews white? It depends. All groups respond to incentives and more intelligent groups respond to incentives more quickly and adroitly. David Bernstein writes at the Washington Post: In a recent post, I alluded to a Facebook post by a … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Jew On Top Of Glenn Beck’s Empire

The movement to diversify Hollywood is a movement to drive out Jews. Hollywood is a Jewish industry. Making it more diverse makes it less Jewish. It’s not whites who run Hollywood so much as Jews who run Hollywood. From the … Continue reading

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The Distinctiveness Of WASP Ethics

I grew up a WASP. All of my family and friends were WASPs. I took WASP morality for granted. There was no concept of an in-group vs out-group morality in WASPville. If you cheated, you kept quiet. I didn’t develop … Continue reading

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Facebook’s War on Freedom of Speech

Douglas Murray writes: Facebook is now removing speech that presumably almost everybody might decide is racist — along with speech that only someone at Facebook decides is “racist.” The sinister reality of a society in which the expression of majority … Continue reading

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The Rubio Menace

Mickey Kaus writes: Marco and the K St. Restoration: I went to see Marco Rubio’s town hall this afternoon in Salem, New Hampshire. It was only a few miles from my hotel–I really had no excuse. I wanted to find … Continue reading

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