Monthly Archives: February 2016

Similarities Between Traditional Conservatives And Feminists

From the Chateau: Tradcons and feminists have more in common than either would care to confront. Browsing popular alt-right outposts, I’ve found that a significant number of them — not all; I don’t mean this to be a sweeping indictment … Continue reading

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Discussing The Republican Debate & Will The Super Bowl Turn Into A Race War?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Have you seen ESPN trying to make the Super Bowl into a race war? On the ticker last night, they conducted a “fan poll” seeing whether Cam Newton is disliked because of his race. A … Continue reading

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White Flight (Comedy Central)

Review: CC Studio’s newest digital series White Flight fails miserably. White Flight takes us to the year 2042, at the exact moment when white people are no longer a majority in the US. The solution devised by the “Dan Company” … Continue reading

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Who Plays The Victimhood Game Best? Blacks Or Jews?

From Earlier this summer, Boston University Sociology Professor Saida Grundy was the center of controversy over comments she made on social media disparaging white males. And just across the Charles River, an academic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology … Continue reading

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The World’s Worst Rapper

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A Sudanese immigrant to Australia whom Jimmy Fallon called one of the world’s worst rappers is being praised by the Australia media. Even though his music is objectively terrible, the National Media of Australia can’t … Continue reading

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