Who Plays The Victimhood Game Best? Blacks Or Jews?

From CampusReform.org:

Earlier this summer, Boston University Sociology Professor Saida Grundy was the center of controversy over comments she made on social media disparaging white males. And just across the Charles River, an academic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been making similar statements on social media.

MIT Postdoctoral Fellow Chanda Prescod-Weinstein has consistently directed denigrating Twitter and Facebook posts at America, the Founding Fathers, and white males.

On June 25th, Prescod-Weinstein tweeted that she wants “to burn the tent of whiteness down.”

A few days later, Prescod-Weinstein sent out a tweet declaring that all America has ever stood for is white power.

In a July 6th tweet, Prescod-Weinstein denounced Thomas Jefferson as a “rapist.”

“To address white power,” Prescod-Weinstein said, “is to look evil in the eye and to challenge everything this country has stood for in the last 250 years.”

Prescod-Weinstein immediately followed that tweet up by stating that “white power” was a principle of the American founding.

Many white people, according to Prescod-Weinstein, celebrated the gay marriage decision more enthusiastically than they should have, something she chalks up to “white tears.”

In a series of July 10th tweets, Prescod-Weinstein—who identifies as a “black queer ciswoman”—stated that although she was happy about the decision, “a lot of white people went overboard.” Why did so many white people go overboard with their celebration of the Supreme Court decision? This, Prescod-Weinstein says, is “related to white tears: [white people] just really wanted to feel good. And feel entitled to.”

Prescod-Weinstein also directed anger towards “men of color.” On July 13th, Prescod-Weinstein tweeted that “men of color” need to “work on [their] fucking sexism. It is bullshit. You are not magical unicorns just because you are not white.”

On July 4th Prescod-Weinstein tweeted that she “[m]ade it home to the U.S. just in time for a holiday I don’t celebrate. America never was America to me.”

According to Prescod-Weinstein’s personal website, she is the “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow & Visiting Scholar” at MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics. However, according to a July 16th tweet from Prescod-Weinstein, she will begin working at the University of Washington next spring.

Less than a month ago, the Huffington Post ran a feature on Prescod-Weinstein as the 63rd black woman in America to receive a Ph.D. in Physics.

In the Huffington Post feature, Prescod-Weinstein complained that the discussion of women in astronomy does black women a disservice by not looking at astronomy statistics by race.

“For decades, this discussion about women in astronomy has centered essentially on white women,” Weinstein said. “They don’t say white women, but when the statistics are trotted out, they don’t disaggregate for race.”

As recently as July 16th, Prescod-Weinstein tweeted that because there are “fewer than 100 Black American women ever to earn a PhD in physics, each one of us is unusual [and] should be nurtured.”

Comment to Steve Sailer:

* Jews got it down pat.

They want First World power as the ruling elites of the West… but they want Third World status as victims.

In the past, to be the ruling elites of the West that was triumphant and victorious around the world came with pride and prestige. To rule and to have the power meant you were made of glory and greatness.

But that was then, this is now. Now, the West is in repentant mode, and much of Western history is seen as one of oppression, conquest, exploitation, imperialism, slavery, genocide, murderous wars, and etc. So, the West must feel shame about the past. Pride and prestige are out(except when Zionists want the West to bash the Muslim world, Russia, and maybe China).

What is admired today is victim-hood. So, if you’re non-white or Jewish, you cry victim-hood to score easy points. And if you’re white, you have to exhibit redemptive ‘white guilt’ to show that you’re morally superior to whites who aren’t as sorry.

Still, as always, people want power and privilege. And no people have as much power, privilege, and wealth as Jews do. That means Jews are now the ruling elites of the West. They own and control the bulk of power, influence, wealth, and clout in the West.
But, this poses a problem because, in the New West, it is victim-hood that counts in terms of moral credit whereas having power and privilege means you’re a oppressor and exploiter.

Jews want first world power as ruling elites but they want third world protection as tragic victims. Jews want(and have gained) the ruling-elite-power that the white gentile elites once had. But they want to be perceived as part of the ‘victim’ class. For awhile, it was enough for Jews to scream ‘Holocaust’.
But it’s not as effective as it used to be. Why?

1. WWII grows more distant.

2. Holocaust guilt is something only white gentiles might feel as it was a European affair. As the US and EU(with massive Muslim/African influx) becomes demographically less white, this Holy Holocaust guilt matters less and less to people of color or ‘diversity’, especially as non-whites come from non-Christian cultures with no concept of repentant guilt.

3. The rise of pop culture and homo/tranny silliness have made people trashier and shallower. So, no one knows anything about history anymore. And in a world where rap and tranny exhibitionism are the thing, Holocaust is just boring and uncool for a lot of millennial dolts. It is too ‘European’.

4. With Israel-Palestine issue in the news, Jews are seen less as victims and more as nasty oppressors of Palestinians.

5. Even with all the PC and ADL witch-hunting, it’s getting pretty obvious to everyone–whites, Asians, Muslims, Mexicans, etc–that Jews are immensely powerful and rich in Wall Street, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Ivy League elite schools, top law firms, US government, the Fed, intelligence networks, and etc. Rick Sanchez was fired and blacklisted by Jewish power for his noticing of Jewish power/privilege, but it may not be so easy to do so in the future as ‘diversity’ makes greater headway into the media. The replacement of Jon Stewart Lebowicz seems to have weathered the storm. But then, he’s part Jewish.

This Prescod Weinstein seems like she’s playing a dirty game.

By bitching about ‘white privilege’, I think she’s trying to divert our attention from the real power and privilege that rules much of the world: Jewish Power. In this, she is like Matt Stein of Mad Men fame who say poor poor Jews should not be confused with ‘white privilege’. His complaint is hilarious since in today’s America, Jewish power is many times that of ‘white privilege’. Pound for pound, nothing comes anywhere near Jewish power and privilege. It is white people who should be demanding that they not be confused with Jewish privilege. When someone says, “white males control Hollywood”, it is total bullshit since the ruling elites of Hollywood are really Jewish elites and Jewish homo elites who are NOT representative of the white population as a whole.

Funny that she bitches about the Founding Fathers, but what were ruling elites in other parts of the world like at the time of the Founders? Were Asian, African, Latin American, Jewish, Arabian, Hindu, Muslim, Ottoman, and etc ruling elites any better or more advanced? It seems to be that the Founders, for all their faults, were comparatively forward-looking men of great character, fortitude, and wisdom.

Seriously, suppose US had been founded by the ruling elites from other parts of the world. Would US have turned out better if the Founders had been African tribal chieftains, Chinese overlords, Ottoman Sultans, Japanese samurai feudalists, Arabian princes, Spanish aristocrats, and etc? Some of these men has eunuchs serve them galore and harems in the hundreds or even thousands.

And I wonder how Weinstein would react if people were to point out all the powerful Jews who were not so pristine in character all throughout history. Surely, there were Jews who had slaves, sold slaves, raped, conquered, exploited others, took part in communist mass murder of Christians, took part in Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, took part is espionage that sent Stalin the secrets to the atomic bomb, ran casinos to rip off the public, ran pornified pop culture to corrupt young girls into whoredom…

And I wonder how Weinstein would react if someone pointed out that MLK was a liar, plagiarist, a beater of woman, and braggart of abuse of women.

Personally, I’m for bashing all people equally OR, if we’re gonna go easy on non-whites, I say let’s go a little on easy on whites too.
It’s not right to hold the Founders to the highest standards while overlooking all the mass killings and slavery practiced by non-whites and Jews throughout the ages.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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