Monthly Archives: February 2016

‘IQ is genetically correlated with good things (height, lifespan) and negatively correlated with mental illness’

From Librarian of Hate: * Why IQ testing is good: * How IQ determines wealth: * The best, simplest case for race realism:

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Reaching For Greatness

* I love you. You pay my rent. David Brosia: Just when I thought you had reached your plateau Luke you post another dose of greatness. * I can’t remember the last time a Jewish friend used the term “metaphysics.” … Continue reading

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Why Won’t NATO Defend Europe From Illegal Immigrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * NATO stands today for Naïvely Admit The Other. * NATO is probably staffed by some guys who have pretty conservative instincts, but they are somehow under the delusion that they’re actually defending the West. I’ve … Continue reading

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Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think any White ethnicity or social class that’s been repeatedly slandered by Hollywood should delight in seeing them have to take their own medicine. White Southerners, Germans, Englishmen, WASPs, Russians, European aristocrats, European peasants, … Continue reading

Posted in Hollywood | Comments Off on #OscarsTooWhite

WP: Clinton, Sanders likely to tackle minority concerns in debate

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve always thought that lead was a serious problem, but I was surprised to read that the level of lead in Flint children’s blood is only on the order of 1/4 to 1/2 the average … Continue reading

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