Monthly Archives: February 2016

Is It Racist To Vet Immigrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Yet it’s considered racist to use the same amount of due diligence and surveillance to vet potential immigrants. Tashfeen Malik was admitted even though she posted in support of jihad Islam on social media. DHS … Continue reading

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‘Aunt Semite Ann has progressed from reading Sailer to Daily Stormer’

"Diversity" = nonwhite; "White supremacist" = Not anti-white. — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 20, 2016 Comments: * Is there anything incorrect about her equations? Does “diversity” ever mean a mix of Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Scottish -Americans, and mixtures thereof? Or, … Continue reading

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Get Ready For President Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is looking like Trump not only has a lock on the nomination, but it also looks like he takes the presidency. I wonder how long it will be until we start seeing articles in … Continue reading

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Twitter Purges Another Conservative

REPORT: Yiannopoulos reported this week: Rumours that Twitter has begun ‘shadowbanning’ politically inconvenient users have been confirmed by a source inside the company, who spoke exclusively to Breitbart Tech. His claim was corroborated by a senior editor at a major … Continue reading

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The British Ban Against Boycotts Of Israel

REPORT: The government today announced new regulations preventing local councils, NHS Trusts, universities and other public bodies from boycotting trade and investment with any of 162 member countries of the World Trade Organisation. Of course Canada and New Zealand don’t … Continue reading

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