Monthly Archives: February 2016

Boris Johnson Wakes Up & Smells The Coffee

Comments: It is quite surreal. But even establishment politicians are starting to wake up and smell the coffee, elsewhere in the Eurosphere. In 2016, everywhere, “It’s the immigration, stupid!” That douchebag Cameron is going to be left on the wrong … Continue reading

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Do Blacks & Asians Share Many Common Interests?

Steve Sailer writes: “The anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common unless it can be given an Emmanuel Goldstein to hate. … Continue reading

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The Possibilities For Mayhem With Self-Driving Cars

Comments to Steve Sailer:  * One thing is for sure, self-driving cars will be a boon for terrorists. No need to kill yourself nor risk running out of courage on the drive to the target. Just pack a self-driving car … Continue reading

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Because Orthodox Judaism Is Hard

A goy messages me: “Why are so few Jews orthodox? Behind all my trolling, I really admire the orthodox. I even admire an Orthodox Jew who screws up all the time and retains a sad masturbation addiction or whatever. But … Continue reading

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Diversity & Corruption

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Yet another prosperous, red-blooded American city with a water problem. This time it’s Crystal City, Texas, with a name that sounds like it must certainly must be filled with white, Republican evangelicals. Oh wait. In … Continue reading

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