Monthly Archives: February 2016

Failed Messiah Sells Out

Jack* emails: Hi Luke, What is your take on being bought out by some strange holding company? If Haredi Jews aren’t behind it I’ll eat my hat. What is scary is that the new owner may potentially have information … Continue reading

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Jews & Trump

There aren’t going to be any pogroms in America under Donald Trump. He shows no evidence of anti-Jewish bias, but his interests are American. A Jewish friend tells me: I am feeling nauseated from the lefty Jewpremacist posts against Trump. … Continue reading

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WP: Donald Trump’s virulent rhetoric about the media is getting dangerous

Do the media think there are no consequences to what they do? That they can get away with anything forever? That they will never have to pay the price for their willful distortion? Does the media think they can keep … Continue reading

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Making A Living Lecturing Whites On What They Don’t Know About Immigrants

Kevin Roderick writes about Jose Antonio Vargas, the gay Filipino illegal immigrant living in the shadows of an oppressive America: “One of Vargas’ MOs is to lecture whites on what he thinks they don’t know about immigrants.”

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Sartorial Salvation

Reform rabbi Mordecai Finley emails his list: This week’s Torah portion, Tetsaveh, is mostly concerned with the vestments of the ancient Israelite priesthood. Those of priestly descent (people named Cohen and the like), however, have no special vestments today. Whatever … Continue reading

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