Failed Messiah Sells Out

Jack* emails:

Hi Luke,
What is your take on being bought out by some strange holding company? If Haredi Jews aren’t behind it I’ll eat my hat. What is scary is that the new owner may potentially have information related to the identities of those who made posts over the years. Guilty of doing this, I hope that I won’t end up on yet another blacklist of some sort.

I can’t imagine what they offered Shmarya, but it must have been enough to keep him set for years. I’m guessing it was in the 500K to 1 million range.

I’m happy to hear your feedback, though with both your blog and FailedMessiah steralized, I believe we will all be more in the dark about Judaism.

I think you know what happened. It is easy to burn out blogging. He was tired, he took the money and he ran. There’s more to life than blogging, and his mission was wearing him down. I bet it was haredim who bought it, from their perspective it was a smart thing to do. I suspect the sales price was closer to $100k. broke many stories and created a unique space online, but Jewish life does not lack for critical voices. Others will take up the slack.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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