Monthly Archives: February 2016

Did Rubio Have An Affair With A Lobbyist?

REPORT: Looks like Marco Rubio has some ‘splaining to do. More and more rumors are surfacing out of Florida that he had an ongoing affair with a DC lobbyist named Amber Stoner. This allegedly occurred while he wase serving as … Continue reading

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The Wall Street Journal’s War on Donald Trump

The National Interest: As Donald Trump continues his Shermanesque march through the Republican primaries, the Wall Street Journal continues to fire relentless volleys of cheap shots, pot shots, and the paper’s much hoped for gut shot. Just consider last week’s … Continue reading

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Is Foam Party Rubio A Choke Artist?

Scott Adams blogs: Trump tested a new Linguistic Kill Shot for Rubio, calling him a “choke artist” for freezing up on stage at the last debate. As always, Trump’s engineered kill shots have the following qualities: 1. The insult is … Continue reading

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The Power Of Pushing Economic Populism

A Jewish friend has been telling me for years that while race realism is not a realistic political platform, economic populism is a winner. Donald Trump has taken up its cause and he’s rocketed to the top. My friend tells … Continue reading

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NYT: To Fight Critics, Donald Trump Aims to Instill Fear in 140-Character Doses

The MSM is mad it no longer has a monopoly on publicly shaming people. New York Times: Corey Lewandowski, the Trump campaign manager, said his candidate’s practice of battering opponents on social media showed that Mr. Trump was “the ultimate … Continue reading

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