Did Rubio Have An Affair With A Lobbyist?

REPORT: Looks like Marco Rubio has some ‘splaining to do. More and more rumors are surfacing out of Florida that he had an ongoing affair with a DC lobbyist named Amber Stoner. This allegedly occurred while he wase serving as the Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives. He used an American Express credit card from the Florida Republican Party to pay for AT LEAST 17 separate trips for the two of them. They seemed to end up in the very same place frequently. I’ve heard these rumors for some time now and usually where there is smoke, there is fire with this sort of thing. I’m surprised it didn’t come out before this though. Rubio seems to not only have questionable finances, but iffy morals as well.

From the Political Insider:

We know that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is part of the political “establishment”… but we didn’t know he took it this far!

As the Nevada GOP primary caucus is underway, reports of an extramarital affair Rubio had with a Washington, D.C. lobbyist have surfaced.

Per sources in Florida, Marco Rubio – while serving as the Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives – used an American Express credit card from the Florida Republican Party to pay for AT LEAST 17 separate trips for Rubio and lobbyist Amber Stoner. Strangely, she would frequently end up in the same destinations, at the same time:


The records in question are publicly searchable on The Florida Times-Union website. People are asking why a lobbyist would be traveling using his credit card and why a number of those trips were to resort locations. Rubio is the anointed one of the establishment. They hope to eliminate Cruz and shove Rubio in at the last minute. No thanks, I’d rather have Trump. At least he will address the borders and immigration issues. Rubio is a liar and all for illegal immigration and Amnesty. This goes to character and shows how duplicitous Rubio is. He’s already shown that by how he has treated Ted Cruz. Dig a little more into his life and I’m betting it gets very dirty.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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