Daily Archives: January 25, 2016

Awkward Christian Albums

More. 21 Awkwardly Sexual Album Covers

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LAT: In ultra-Orthodox Israeli city, a new coffee chain fuels price war

Los Angeles Times: “The arrival of Cofix is a very good thing for the Orthodox,” Asher said. “The Orthodox study religion and don’t work, so the only thing that matters is the price…. Orthodox don’t care about the taste, they … Continue reading

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‘All character traits are heritable, especially IQ.’

Source: Librarian of Hate: * Ethnocentrism is biological in origin and a superior evolutionary strategy to altruism. * In Sweden, Muslim males make up 2% of the population but commit 77% of rapes. * Black women are more than twice … Continue reading

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Boyd Cathey: Why I Support Donald Trump and Not Ted Cruz

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center: Born 1950 Group Institute for Historical Review Location Wendell, NC Ideology Neo-Confederate About Boyd Cathey Boyd Cathey has been involved in several extremist movements, including “radical traditionalist Catholicism,” Holocaust denial and the neo-Confederate … Continue reading

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Will Peyton Manning Go Out On Top?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A very satisfying and well-played game. Both defenses were stellar, Denver’s seemed to be dominating Brady more than New England was stopping Manning but it came down to the last few seconds anyway because Brady … Continue reading

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