‘All character traits are heritable, especially IQ.’


Source: Librarian of Hate:

* Ethnocentrism is biological in origin and a superior evolutionary strategy to altruism.

* In Sweden, Muslim males make up 2% of the population but commit 77% of rapes.

* Black women are more than twice as likely as White women to abuse their husbands.

* Liberal Nightmare: Processes that regulate thought and action are 99% genetically determined.

* Of the hundreds of assaults committed by #antifa, 80% were against police, and just 15% against right wingers. Seem like criminals to me.

* The most common crimes committed by left wing extremists are burning cars and general vandalism. I don’t think that’s “making a difference”.

* A stunning 33% of left wing radicals in Germany are unemployed. The overall unemployment rate, by the way, is less that 5%.

* Only 29% of left-wing extremists in Germany have graduated from high school.

* 9 out of 10 left wing extremists in Germany are single. Sucks to be #Antifa!

* 92% of radical leftist criminals in Germany still live at home, with their parents.



About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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