Category Archives: Gambling

Betting & Sports

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The only purpose of a point spread is to ensure that a roughly equal amount of money is best on both teams. Well, usually that’s what a book wants, and sometimes not, and how often … Continue reading

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Will Peyton Manning Go Out On Top?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A very satisfying and well-played game. Both defenses were stellar, Denver’s seemed to be dominating Brady more than New England was stopping Manning but it came down to the last few seconds anyway because Brady … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Bumhunting as the Economic Paradigm of the 21st Century

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bum hunting is the media’s preferred tactic of fighting the culture war too: Westboro Baptist, that Starbucks cup controversy guy, Dylann Roof, etc. That’s one of the funner angles on Trump. He walks, talks and … Continue reading

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