Daily Archives: January 20, 2016

The Cologne rapes and our culture of denial

Dennis Prager writes: The men in Cologne lacked the value system and the self-control that we (mistakenly) take for granted in the West. Which brings us to the second important aspect of the Cologne attacks that is widely denied: moral … Continue reading

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Jewish School Offers Fake Report Cards To Those Who Want To Raise Their Kids’ Self-Esteem

It is wonderful to see Jewish schools leading the way! I fear this news will be used by anti-Semites to propulgate the slander that Jews tend to be less than 100% honest. Chaim Amalek writes: “If it helps little Menachem … Continue reading

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Marco Rubio Saw Nothing!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Marco Rubio is not one who can, right now at least, claim ignorance of Cuban immigrant cocaine money. Working for his major cocaine trafficker brother-in-law was literally his first job! But he does claim to … Continue reading

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Finding Out Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump

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Charles Darwin’s Pros And Cons Of Marriage

From the Chateau: Charles Darwin – yes, that guy – once drew up a pro and con list for getting married. His list is reprinted here, in readable format. The standard Chateau view of marriage is that it is a … Continue reading

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