Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Manifold Gifts Of Afghan Refugees

We must import more of these desperate people. COMMENTS: * San Diego’s latest police shooting on videotape involves Fridoon Rawshan Nehad, a 42 year old Afghan refugee the U.S. government had been trying to deport for the past 12 years. … Continue reading

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This Mexican town is the sex-trafficking capital of the world

Obviously the only solution is to bring more of these people to America. Business Insider: Two hours southeast of Mexico City lies a town where forced prostitution is not only the norm, but a booming business that employs most of … Continue reading

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Bank Of America’s AIDS-Free Campaign

I walked into a Bank of America the other day and was assaulted by a big poster featuring three rambunctious blacks and a promotion to end AIDS. This is not really what I want in my bank. I don’t want … Continue reading

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White Distress

Author David Berreby writes: In the past two years, non-whites have succeeded as never before in changing the terms of debates that once excluded or deprecated their points of view. This has changed both formal rules of conduct (for police, … Continue reading

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The Stereotype Threat

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bill Cosby demonstrated that the ‘stereotype’ of the black rapist was more valid than the ‘role model’ of Dr. Huxtable. * Larry Bird has described his bout with stereotype threat when he arrived at pro … Continue reading

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