The Manifold Gifts Of Afghan Refugees

We must import more of these desperate people.


* San Diego’s latest police shooting on videotape involves Fridoon Rawshan Nehad, a 42 year old Afghan refugee the U.S. government had been trying to deport for the past 12 years.

He left for Germany as a teenager in the 80′s, and his father, a security guard in the San Diego suburbs, brought him to the USA around 2005. Soon he began menacing his family with weapons and violent threats, and they eventually kicked him out rendering him homeless. They still paid for a lawyer to prevent his deportation.

“Nehad suffered manic episodes, becoming aggressive and getting him in trouble with the law. He pleaded guilty to battery in 2005, was sentenced for burglary in 2008 and was charged with petty theft in 2014.”

Police were called late at night with reports of a crazy man with a knife, and they showed up and shot him dead. The parents who let their son be homeless for years is suing the city for $20 million in a wrongful death suit. Our lesbian Republican DA did not charge the officer who killed him with anything.

His sister went to UCLA and Berkeley Law School and is a trust and estate lawyer in Los Angeles.

Given what we know about PTSD, the safe thing seems to be to not take anyone from a country that was been involved in long and brutal civil wars.

* It is getting bizarre to the extent that Whites are lectured about all their failings: killing too many Black criminals; not enjoying Syrian immigrants enough; not loving the Muslim enough; the usual screeds about how the Native American was treated; not demanding enough of their children; etc. It is like pointing out the flaws in a super model.

* If I have any complaint about Bensinger’s article it is that he fails to talk about the news media’s role in enabling what Eury et al. have been up to. They even essentially blacked out the news of his indictment and conviction and the piddling sentence he received. In doing so they have also failed to report that the rate of visa approvals for his organization has actually increased since his indictment. Again, all this information is documented in my articles.

* Another problem with Chetty’s methodology is that by comparing 2011-2012 to 1996-2000, it’s overly sensitive to the housing/exurban wipeout in 2008. For example, the highly white county that did worst in his 2015 re-analysis is the one that is home to the Myrtle Beach golf megaresort in South Carolina just south of the North Carolina border. Golf course living boomed in 1996-2000, but has been dead in the water in this century.

The problem is that Chetty is trying to sell his analysis as revealing long term truths about policy — e.g., what kind of urban transit policy does Sioux County, Iowa have that Myrtle Beach doesn’t have? But a lot of what he’s discovered is that if you are a blue collar worker, your children will prosper relative to yourself more if you happen to move to a place that will be booming more in 15 years than it is today. Thus, Sioux County, Iowa is #1 in America in Chetty’s study because Chinese demand has boosted natural resource prices and the Myrtle Beach county is about 20th from last because Americans got bored with golf. Lately, however, the Chinese have been getting more interested in buying golf courses in Myrtle Beach and less interested in buying crops from Sioux County, so who knows what the future holds in store? If you can accurately predict what sectors of the economy will be booming in 15 years, you should probably stop being a blue collar worker and instead move to Greenwich, CN and become a 7 figure per year hedge fund guy.

This is not to say that Chetty’s data isn’t useful. For example, one lesson it appears to have taught is that competition for blue collars jobs is tougher from Third World people in warmer places like South Carolina than in colder places like South Dakota. That’s a pretty important lesson for Chetty to offer American workers, but how large are the incentives for him to come forward with that discovery of his?

Zero to none, I’d say.

* Stan Eury will go down in history as the Oskar Schindler for Latinos, a righteous gringo.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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