Monthly Archives: January 2016

English Vs Irish

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Admittedly the Brits where total shits to the Irish during their histories but what no one ever mentions is the overwhelming disparity in population size when the idea of Catholic and Protestant meant something. Back … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Chernykh Sisters of San Bernardino Terrorism Penumbra Are Likely Subbotniks

Steve Sailer writes: As Raymond Chandler’s detective novels pointed out, spectacular murders give outsiders an excuse to snoop around in corners of society that may not have anything directly to do with the murder, but don’t otherwise get much attention. … Continue reading

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The Intellectual Costs of Diversity

Robert Weisberg writes: The quest for campus diversity seems to be everywhere–the website currently lists 75 schools where students are clamoring for diversity. Barbara Wilson, the interim Chancellor of the University of Illinois even called diversity central to the … Continue reading

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Madison Jewish congregation supports settling Syrian refugees

I hope they settle the refugees in their neighborhood so that they can experience the joys of Islam first-hand. Surprisingly, this Jewish congregation says nothing about the moral imperative to settle Syrian refugees in Israel. This statement was approved by … Continue reading

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Salon: No, Trump isn’t the next Hitler: But his real historical comparison is still scary

The elites are nervous. America has not had a populist and a nationalist this close to the presidency in at least a century. Arthur Chu writes: If I were still in a mood to make jokes about the Trump campaign … Continue reading

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