Monthly Archives: January 2016

Who Else Would Have Done It?

Friend: Hello, Levi. I sat through a presentation on the first automobiles ever made. All built by Europeans. Then, I wondered, if Europe never existed, how long would it had taken the other races/continents to come up with building cars? … Continue reading

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Happy American Couple

From the Chateau: Petition to rename Google to Spoogle, to better reflect the company they have become: A rePOZitory of the hoariest antiWhite, pro-globalist elite propaganda you will find this side of the race cuck Hajnal line. Google spooges its … Continue reading

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The Germans Welcoming Refugees Into Their Homes, Hearts & ???

From the UN Refugee Agency: Spare rooms are no longer vacant and home offices have become bedrooms. Meet the Germans opening their doors to refugees arriving in Europe. Many ordinary Germans are opening their doors to asylum-seekers in a year … Continue reading

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Spot The Cuck

From the Chateau: Background. The story is nominally about Germans “adopting” Syrian refugees into their homes, but in reality it’s about German women with the thousand cock stare welcoming Syrian schlong into their godless holes and effeminate German betas sitting … Continue reading

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Spot The Child Sacrifice

From the Chateau and the same article featured in this post. The antiWhite race cuck child sacrifice is that little blond German boy front row second from left, looking like he just spent a tour in Fallujah. Dad (far right) … Continue reading

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