Happy American Couple

From the Chateau:

Petition to rename Google to Spoogle, to better reflect the company they have become: A rePOZitory of the hoariest antiWhite, pro-globalist elite propaganda you will find this side of the race cuck Hajnal line.

Google spooges its equalist leftoid disease all over America’s face, and we are supposed to sit here and take their toxic homo loads without protest?

Remember Spoogle’s motto, “Don’t be evil”? HA. That didn’t last long. How about “Destroy your anus.” This is a good time to jettison all Google products and Google-affiliated products from your lives. There are alternatives. You just have to…. bust a move. The fight against White dispossession has to start somewhere, and it’s a small sacrifice to unlatch from Spoogle’s AIDS dick compared to the sacrifices that will be required of you in the coming years.

PS If you Spoogle “happy american couple” this is what your favorite search and replace engine returns:


Not a parody. Try it.

Fuck (((Spoogle))). They want a war? They’ll get one.


* All the pictures of black couples are using professional models. I guess they could not find any actual happy black couples.

* Holy shit. It goes on for pages and pages and pages with black couples, until it is interrupted by a white woman and a dindu.

* Even googling “white american couple” produces the same bullshit.

Even has a picture of Obuttfuck and his gorilla bitch.

* Tj52y2L



* White women; making out with, getting abducted by, or getting ganged by black men.

And Beyonce.

* The Spoogle image search on “white women” returns three images of male Ch!mpanzees with White women thrown over their shoulders, and the Bing image search’s first result is a Ch!mpanzee dom-bulldyke staring down a shaved-head submissive White fem-bulldyke. Yeah, tell me again [with a straight face] about how those kinds of result sets accurately reflect the current aggregate state of HTTP “Reverse Pointers” on the WWW.

* Found this in my search for happy american couple.


* “American” is becoming an obsolete identifier, having been diluted to meaninglessness and loaded with liberal pabulum. Inevitably, a new one will emerge.

* “American” is nothing more than a signifier for an economic relationship with the state. For many people America is just an economic zone.

* The same thing is happening to *all* White tribal names. Swedish, English, German . . . they are all being stripped of meaning.

American identity, and all other hijacked White identities, should be liberated, not abandoned.

No newfangled name invented in some hotel conference room can replace a real name molded by centuries of history.

“The name American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism.” George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

“What then is the American, this new man? He is either an European, or the descendant of an European . . . they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes. From this promiscuous breed, that RACE now called Americans have arisen.” Crevecouer, Letters from an American farmer, written 1774, published 1782

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs . . . a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties” John Jay, Federalist #2, 1787

* This is downstream. Directives are from the White House and Pentagon. The large corporations really started submitting to the powers that be during the Slick Willie presidency. That is when they were ordered to start the cultural diversity training or else lose contracts.

Pray that people get off the PUFA, GMO’s and pharmaceuticals which would help with clarity.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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