Monthly Archives: January 2016

Whites Dominate Economics

That sounds nicer than saying Jews dominate economics. Noah Smith from Bloomberg tweets: “I’ve never seen as white-dominated a profession as economics. *All* the top people are white. Is it weird that I just noticed this?” * No asians? * … Continue reading

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Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

They can tweak search results to shift elections. From WSJ: Search giant averages a White House meeting a week during Obama administration. WASHINGTON—As the federal government was wrapping up its antitrust investigation of Google Inc., company executives had a flurry … Continue reading

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Brainwashing 101: Strong, Intelligent, Happy Black Men are Best for White Women

Blog: As the American blogger Viking Bitch has noted, there are around 35,000 rapes of white women by black men every year (the exact number varies a bit). There were also ZERO rapes of black women by white men. The … Continue reading

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Day Of Judgment

From the latest edition of The New Yorker: The Messiah floated gently down Eighth Avenue, His arms spread wide, as if to hug mankind. Traffic stopped and people gawked, their eyes and iPhones pointed toward the heavens. All who gazed … Continue reading

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The Luke LP

Friend: “That was for some LP album I saw at an antique store. The ladies are very immodest, I tried to spare your holy eyes by cutting out some of it.” According to Wikipedia: Luther Roderick Campbell (born December 22, … Continue reading

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