Whites Dominate Economics

That sounds nicer than saying Jews dominate economics.

Noah Smith from Bloomberg tweets: “I’ve never seen as white-dominated a profession as economics. *All* the top people are white.
Is it weird that I just noticed this?”

* No asians?

* Very few, essentially zero at the top level. Compare to sciences, where Asians abound…

* I would guess we have a higher white population because jews are especially attracted to the profession.

* I wonder if he’s done a “I’ve never seen as black-dominated a profession as the NBA.”

* Thomas Sowell has contributed more to intellectual life than any other economist I can think of, but maybe those contributions don’t constitute “economics” in your book? Who cares? A Conflict of Visions will be read a hundred years from now. Can you say that about anything else from the profession?

Economics is also an extremely male field. Jennifer Roback Morse has said that at conferences, she was usually the only girl in the room. Yet her Love and Economics will be up on the shelves next to Sowell’s.

These two could see things that everyone else missed.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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