Monthly Archives: January 2016

NYT: Jewish Deportee on Persecution, Past and Present

I can understand why a healthy nation would not want citizens who are so ambivalent, when not downright hostile to it. Every nation has the right to the attitude — love it here or leave. Members of tribes, including Jews, … Continue reading

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Trump as a Pool Shark Hustling the Media

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bum hunting is the media’s preferred tactic of fighting the culture war too: Westboro Baptist, that Starbucks cup controversy guy, Dylann Roof, etc. That’s one of the funner angles on Trump. He walks, talks and … Continue reading

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Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Wants To Restrict Speech

BY TZIPI HOTOVELY: Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France, it became popular to cite George Bernard Shaw’s famous words: “Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.” But the continuation of the phrase, less quoted, is equally significant: “…and it … Continue reading

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Spotlight (2015)

Comments: * Spotlight is the most grown-up film I’ve seen in a good long while. It ultimately serves as an indictment (presented in the most humane manner imaginable) of the gradual atomization of our best and brightest (which is how … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Bumhunting as the Economic Paradigm of the 21st Century

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bum hunting is the media’s preferred tactic of fighting the culture war too: Westboro Baptist, that Starbucks cup controversy guy, Dylann Roof, etc. That’s one of the funner angles on Trump. He walks, talks and … Continue reading

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