Trump as a Pool Shark Hustling the Media

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Bum hunting is the media’s preferred tactic of fighting the culture war too: Westboro Baptist, that Starbucks cup controversy guy, Dylann Roof, etc.

That’s one of the funner angles on Trump. He walks, talks and acts like a bum, which draws the media to him like piranhas every time he wades into the pool, but he beats them every time. But they are so convinced that he’s a bum that they keep on coming after him. He’s the perfect hustler.

* The media cover Trump, I think, because he’s ‘newsworthy’: his statements, his behavior, his very existence outrage and offend the majority. And since they’re outraged in a manner which causes them to want to know more, he’s covered extensively, because he raises the ratings / sells the papers / generally brings in attention and money.

He’s the political equivalent of clickbait; if he didn’t exist, the media would be forced to create him.

He gets coverage for the same reason the serious problems facing our civilization don’t get coverage – the only principle the media venerate is “give the masses what they want” – with the implied corollary “don’t give the masses what they don’t want”.

If the majority of German’s citizenry really wanted to know the effects of their immigration policy, not only would the censorship fail, the government wouldn’t even be trying to impose it. Most people don’t want to know, and therefore it’s worth the government’s while to try to keep the facts out of their awareness.

Same phenomenon here in America, if less overt.

* Sometimes he even says things that sound frankly dubious (“getting schlonged is a perfectly normal expression in New York politics”), that inevitably turns out to be 100 percent correct. Yet all the little Noahs and Madisons who work for the dominant press, just can’t conceive of the existence of an unPC, older White man who is smarter than they are, and so they keep falling for it, time and time again. And I don’t think they’re adaptable enough to break out of that pattern before Election Day.

* Trump is having a positive impact on the whole political culture. The Governor of Maine just told the truth in a speech, saying that gangsta thugs are coming to his state and impregnating the girls and then leaving. Without Trump, this governor never would have had the courage.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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