Monthly Archives: January 2016

WP: Nearly half of homeless youth are LGBTQ, first-ever city census finds

Washington Post: A new census of the District’s homeless youth population found that 43 percent identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, the city announced Wednesday. In August, the Homeless Youth Census, the first such survey in the city’s history, … Continue reading

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Nikki Haley

From the Washington Post: “Many conservatives feel that even though she’s a good governor, she probably got some of her talking points from the establishment,” said Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to a Cruz-allied super PAC. “It was an attempt to … Continue reading

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Kangaroo in ‘grieving’ photos may have killed while trying to mate, scientist says

Reminds me of refugees. So cute and cuddly until they start raping. The Guardian: Dr Derek Spielman, a senior lecturer in veterinary pathology, says it is ‘gross misunderstanding’ to think kangaroo was cradling dying mate. Far from “mourning the loss … Continue reading

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Neocon flap highlights Jewish divide

Good stuff from 2008: WASHINGTON (IPS) – A mushrooming media controversy pitting neoconservatives against a prominent Jewish-American political commentator could mark a new stage in the growing battle over who speaks for the US Jewish community on foreign policy issues, … Continue reading

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THR: Oscar Nominees Include Zero Nonwhite Actors

Jews have dominated Hollywood for a century. As a Jew, I’m glad this doesn’t generate pushback. News: For the second year in a row, the Academy did not nominate any black actors to any of the 20 slots in the … Continue reading

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