Daily Archives: December 30, 2015

Food For Thought

“In Weimerica, even the aging, trans officers in our military are expected to show a lot of leg.” “#SJWs Attack Breast-feeding Women for not Being ‘Trans-inclusive’…”

Posted in Amish, Islam, Trans | Comments Off on Food For Thought

When your fat pic goes viral as a feminist cautionary tale

Hale Goetz writes for Jezebel: Entitled “Empowered Feminist,” the post on Imgur (a photo-sharing site that serves as unofficial Reddit companion) went up 10 months ago and now has over 750,000 views, a number that goes up by the thousands … Continue reading

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We Should Stop Judging Women On Their Looks

We should stop commenting on their looks. We should stop noticing their looks. It’s sexist. Thank you Carrie for your brave words and for all the drugs you did to save us from our sins. Carrie Fisher shuts down body-shamers … Continue reading

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Maladaptive Daydreaming

When real life becomes too difficult, I drift off to fantasies that some prestigious group will invite me to speak to them about my life. Then I deliver the whole speech in my head and an hour or two or … Continue reading

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