Daily Archives: December 22, 2015

Ann Coulter – Vile Anti-Semite?

I have right-wing Orthodox friends who now refer to Ann Coulter as a “vile anti-Semite.” If someone as pro-Israel and pro-Jewish as Ann Coulter can get called a “vile anti-Semite” despite her many years of support for Jews and the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ Is Very Important

I’ve struggled with saying “Merry Christmas.” Until the past week, I have deliberately refrained from saying “Merry Christmas” because all the Orthodox rabbis I consulted concurred with my analysis that to say “Merry Christmas” grants the appearance of giving legitimacy … Continue reading

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Rabbis: Mideast Christians Deserve U.S. Refuge

The rabbis don’t bother to argue that this immigration will be good for America. That argument does not come up in their essay. That does not interest them. What does interest them? “Success in dealing with the first wave of … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Immigration, R. Abraham Cooper, R. Yitzhock Adlerstein | Comments Off on Rabbis: Mideast Christians Deserve U.S. Refuge

Is there a way to keep my Facebook feed on Most Recent?

Yes! Use the free FBPurity.com app to control your Facebook experience. Comments: * I find it very frustrating and annoying and confusing to see the same stuff over and over, and then have to change it to Most Recent constantly … Continue reading

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Where have you gone, Betty Friedan?

By Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman: Betty Friedan was a twentieth-century American revolutionary who, in word and deed helped empower women everywhere. She was author of The Feminine Mystique (1963), founded the National Organization of Women (NOW), and “mother” of … Continue reading

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