Daily Archives: December 21, 2015

Australian Muslim leader compares uncovered women to exposed meat

Comment: “I like the “raw meat” quote by the Muslim leader. It was not denounced by any of his fellow Muslims, men or women. They still revert him as their religious leader. The Muslim religious leader is just saying what … Continue reading

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The Ashfield Gang Rapes

From Wikipedia: * The Ashfield gang rapes was a series of attacks involving indecent assault and rape of possibly as many as eighteen teenaged women of varying ethnic backgrounds which were carried out in Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia in … Continue reading

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The Sydney Gang Rapes

From Wikipedia: The Sydney gang rapes were a series of gang rape attacks committed by a group of up to fourteen Lebanese Australian youths led by Bilal Skaf against Australian women and teenage girls, as young as 14, in Sydney … Continue reading

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How Do You Stop Rape Culture?

Comments: * The irony here is that it is the very racial homogeneity that people here love so much that is causing the inability to speak of the large scale sexual assaults committed by Muslims. Hans Christian Andersen (the Dane … Continue reading

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Do Trump & Adelson Have A Deal?

Steve Sailer writes: Adelson, like Trump, is a casino-owner. Trump may be saying something like this to Adelson: – We both have a financial interest in cracking down on online gambling in favor of making people go to specific places … Continue reading

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