Daily Archives: December 15, 2015

NYT: Los Angeles Schools Closed After Bomb Threat

UPDATE: “Threat that closed Los Angeles schools Tuesday now being investigated as hoax” Newsflash: The people who run the LAUSD are idiots. LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles public schools were abruptly shut down and students sent home on Tuesday … Continue reading

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How Washington’s Metro Got So Bad

Washingtonian: Controllers can’t prove operators sabotage trains for personal retribution, but the trainees say the practice is well known. ROCC veterans kept track of repeat “train breakers,” Watkins says, and trainees were warned about one driver who “was almost guaranteed … Continue reading

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Trump and the Riot of the Elites

Scott McConnell writes: Over the past week, Americans experienced a breathtaking barrage from top politicians and news commentators about “who we are” or “what we as a country stand for.” Using the phrase identifies the speaker as one of the … Continue reading

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The Return Of The Guillotines

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Instead of letting Trump’s message play-out in the spirit of “Let the best platform win” the establishment signals that they’re eager to coerce Trump to abandon his message and while this may yield a short-term … Continue reading

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Jesse Benn: Towards a Concept of White Wounding

Jesse Benn is Jewish. He identifies as white for the purposes of this essay: Whiteness was designed to exclude, and to simultaneously offer those of us classified as white certain comforts, privileges, as well as political, economic, and cultural supremacy. … Continue reading

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