The Return Of The Guillotines

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Instead of letting Trump’s message play-out in the spirit of “Let the best platform win” the establishment signals that they’re eager to coerce Trump to abandon his message and while this may yield a short-term benefit for them of silencing the messenger, the positions Trump advances are held by a significant portion of society and when people are silenced and not permitted to have their grievances addressed in the political system, that’s when guillotines in the public square make a come-back and elites’ heads are used as basketballs. Does this dynamic escape the attention of the elites?

* “A striking thing about Donald Trump’s campaign is that The Establishment’s hostility to him proposing immigration restrictions is costing him serious money, but unlike so many others, he has yet to flinch.”

These costs have galvanized Trump into a much more serious candidate than he would otherwise be.

My guess is he may have been half-hearted “vanity” candidate when this all began, but there is no turning back now, not with all that he has lost.

* Whether the Trump campaign folds early, wins or loses, the two great things are:

1. Destroying Jeb Bush. Even if Bush becomes the nominee in some fluke, he is mortally wounded by Trump.
2. Proving in the midst of the migrant debate that the Western elite are open borders uber alles. They will turn the 1st world into a techno-cream top for them with Brazil bottom just to maintain their current economic dominance and luxurious living.

Forget the politicians, this is about the true power of the economic elite in our FIRE based economy. FIRE sectors need transactions. Need new marks for their scams. Tech gets in on it with the H1B visa crew and the ability to suck new customers into the Western consumer machine to buy their gadgets and maintain sales growth.

* We are in uncharted and unbalanced economic waters. Combine a severe recession with diversity, lots of guns, and overwhelmingly white general staff and combat arms and air force (i.e., “doesn’t look like America”) and things can get nasty real quick and in unexpected ways.

I happen to know a lot of Syrian Christians. Strange as it may seem, they are in shock that their country blew up 70 years after independence. Never saw it coming, and they had to leave houses, businesses, places their family had been for generations, and get on the next flight out.

* This is a warning shot to Trump supporters: “If you support Trump, we in the media will actively promote people to destroy your livelihood. We will justify it because these people will not be the government, and therefore the First Amendment won’t apply. And we won’t investigate charges that a government-agency or a a big time lefty donor like Soros is out to destroy you.”

If there ever was a time to start your own business and thus protect most of your free speech rights by not being a company man, now is that time.

A man with income independence and no debt is dangerous to the powers that be. Remember that.

* Someone refresh my memory. Have the Brits ever had problems with Muslim immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers?

There are several YouTube videos and documentaries. See Dispatches Britain’s Hidden Child Abuse, The Hunt For Britain’s Sex Gangs (4 parts) and Sexual Grooming Gangs in the British Pakistani Community.

This happened in several cities.
Google and read these Wikipedia articles:
1: Oxford Sex Gang – 7 Muslim men, five Pakistani and two Eritrean. Girls ranged from 11 to 15 years old.
2: Rochdale Sex Trafficking Gang – 12 Muslim men charged. Eight were British Pakistani. One was an Afghan asylum seeker. 47 girls were involved. All girls are white.
3: Derby Sex Gang – 13 Muslim men. 9 convicted. Up to 100 girls, ages 12-18
4: Telford Sex Gang – 7 Muslim men convicted
5: Rotherham Sex Grooming – In 2010, five men of Pakistani heritage were found guilty of a series of sexual offences against girls as young as twelve.

* Consider the story of the South Africa: When white cities and communities were pressured to grant full membership and full privileges to blacks, they wanted the blacks to assimilate and speak their Afrikaans language. The blacks rioted and fought back. Mandela famously called the Afrikaans language, the “language of the oppressor”. South Africa currently has museums demonizing the white Afrikaans who pressured incoming blacks to assimilate and speak their language as racist villains. Today, even historic Afrikaans schools are being forced to reduce usage of Afrikaans to cater to students who aren’t interested in Afrikaans culture or identity. Why should the German language and heritage be spared a different fate? What makes the German language superior to Arabic or spares it from being demonized as another “language of the oppressor”?

* Assuming she’s [Merkel] not just saying it for political reasons to protect her right flank, when she talks about multiculturalism she probably means the theory that people of different cultures can live side by side and not only does it not cause problems, it is actually superior to the old monoculture, because it is enriching, vibrant and exciting. This was mainly pushed by the European leftists in the 90s and it stemmed from their demented cultural relativism holding that we have no right to force our culture on them because our culture is not better than theirs.

So when mainstream rightwing European politicians like Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron criticize multiculturalism they are not saying that nonwhite immigration was a mistake and that it should be stopped, they are just saying that immigrants need to and should be expected to adopt the main principles of our culture and integrate and that the government needs to help them achieve it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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