Daily Archives: December 5, 2015

NY Daily News: San Bernardino Victim Was “Hate-filled Bigot” for Liking “Hateful Ann Coulter”

Steve Sailer: From the New York Daily News: Stasi: San Bernardino killers were radical, ISIS-loving monsters — but one of their victims was just as bigoted NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Saturday, December 5, 2015, 7:57 PM by Linda Stasi They … Continue reading

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Understanding Stupid Political Activism

Robert Weisberg writes: Any sensible person viewing today’s identity-based, tribe-like political activism (think recent incidents at the University of Missouri and Yale among countless others) would conclude that these antics are stupid, foolish, counter-productive, and otherwise ill-conceived or, as the … Continue reading

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Linda Stasi: San Bernardino killers were radical, ISIS-loving monsters — but one of their victims was just as bigoted

Chaim Amalek says: The NY Daily News coverage of San Bernardino is astonishingly wrong-headed, even for the DN. But not a surprise. No wonder the NYDN is not long for this world The narrative must be that right wing anti-immigrant … Continue reading

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More white evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish people

From 2013: Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, and most Jews in the United States say that emotionally they are either very attached (30%) or somewhat attached (39%) to Israel. But on some measures, Jews’ feelings for Israel are … Continue reading

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Iraq War architect Bill Kristol complains about American “war-weariness”

From Salon: Bill Kristol, son of neoconservative titan Irving Kristol and editor of the Weekly Standard, has a new essay up at the Standard’s website, decrying American war-weariness and chastising politicians who use Americans’ desire to avoid war as “as … Continue reading

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