Linda Stasi: San Bernardino killers were radical, ISIS-loving monsters — but one of their victims was just as bigoted

Chaim Amalek says: The NY Daily News coverage of San Bernardino is astonishingly wrong-headed, even for the DN. But not a surprise. No wonder the NYDN is not long for this world
The narrative must be that right wing anti-immigrant hate groups drove this deluded young Muslim couple into the hands of ISIS. That, and all the white hate groups out there: Klan, skinheads, white nationalists, etc.
In short people like YOU Luke Ford, have blood on your hands every time muslims are driven to kill Americans.
That’s how the elites want it viewed.
Now, to prove that we are not as bad as they, we must admit more Pakis and Saudi brides.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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