Monthly Archives: December 2015

Why Americans Dislike Islam

David French writes: There will be no doubt some hand-wringing about “Islamophobia” and further calls to continue the American elite’s fourteen-year track record of whitewashing Islamic beliefs and culture, but I wonder if the media is missing a powerful, largely-uncovered … Continue reading

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Do the benefits of Muslims in America outweigh the cost? Asking for a friend.

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Nobody here, or anywhere else, is scared of the vast majority of Muslims either. It’s just that the vast majority of non-terrorist Muslims don’t provide any benefit to this country that outweighs the problems caused … Continue reading

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Trump Has Judged The Moment Better Than I Expected!

Again. I’m stunned by the lack of a response to his latest provocation. A friend says: Just think of him as Crocodile Dundee on steroids. I never thought that Trump could relate to ordinary folks the way he has. Although … Continue reading

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Time: Airbnb Hosts Are Racist, Study Finds

Steve Sailer: “A lot of the new Sharing Economy unicorns get an edge by ignoring anti-discrimination laws. They’re high tech! So they don’t have to obey the laws that weigh down old-fashioned businesses.” It is just common sense that a … Continue reading

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Bigotry Sells?

Peter Beinart writes: Three days after Sept. 11, Ann Coulter proposed that America “invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.” A week later, she mused that, “Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all … Continue reading

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