Monthly Archives: December 2015

And Now For The Gay Libertarian Perspective

BLOG: The two frontrunners for the GOP presidential nomination aren’t drinking the neocon Kool-Aid, and this became readily apparent on the stage of the GOP presidential debate. Donald Trump opposed the Iraq war, thinks we should be happy Putin is … Continue reading

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As lawmakers clash over refugees, Syrian immigration quietly tops 100,000 since 2012

From Fox News: A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, In Sweden

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German Jews Fear Open-Door Migrant Policy Could Put Them ‘In Jeopardy’

Of course Muslim immigration puts Jews and non-Jews in jeopardy. No Jews in my personal life want more Muslims or more Africans or more Mexicans in America. From Breitbart: Echoing comments already made by others, a senior member of Berlin’s … Continue reading

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The Myth Of Pure Evil

Jonathan Haidt writes: People want to believe they are on a mission from God, or that they are fighting for some more secular good (animals, fetuses, women’s rights), and you can’t have much of a mission without good allies and … Continue reading

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