Monthly Archives: December 2015

When Did I Board The Trump Express?

On June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump announced he was running for president, a friend of mine listened to his speech on the radio. When we met up that morning, he told that I would love Donald Trump. He was … Continue reading

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WP: “The quiet impact of Obama’s Christian faith. Why the president’s convictions led him to believe he could unite a divided country — and why he failed.

Comment: Is this an MSM attempt to temper the growing belief that B. Hussein Obama has pro-Islamic (and anti-Western) tendencies by trying to grounded them in Christian charity, i.e. “I know a lot of us are angry at the Muslims … Continue reading

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Vision Zero

Wikipedia: Vision Zero is a multi-national road traffic safety project which aims to achieve a highway system with no fatalities or serious injuries in road traffic. It started in Sweden and was approved by their parliament in October 1997.[1] A … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Animal Spirits on the Highway?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The most important, and most expensive, safety feature is mass. Buy the biggest vehicle you can afford to buy gas for. Airbags, stability assist, anti – lock brakes are all pretty standard now. The only … Continue reading

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What Was The Buzziest Trump Media Moment Of 2015?

WP: “Trump calls for ban on Muslim immigrants to the U.S.”

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