Monthly Archives: December 2015

Thinking About Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer writes: A commenter replies to my latest Taki’s column proposing that all immigrants be required to have immigration insurance against any harms they may visit up Americans: This is what I did for a living: design insurance and … Continue reading

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The Case For Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer suggests that immigrants to America should have to buy insurance before coming here so that the country is protected from their misbehavior. Comments at Takimag: * The problem with the insurance angle is that insurance companies would not … Continue reading

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Are the girls causing their own shidduch crisis?

Post: While I am not an official “shadchan” I am heavily involved in shidduchim in many different ways. Without a doubt there is certainly shortage of boys on the market. However in many instances I find the girls being overly … Continue reading

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LAT: Just before Christmas, Black Lives Matter protests roil cities across the U.S.

Do minorities wreaking havoc ever consider that one day the silent majority will wake up and decide not to put up with this nonsense anymore? Los Angeles Times: Demonstrators protesting police shootings of black men confronted last-minute holiday shoppers and … Continue reading

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Why comparing Syrians today to those fleeing the Holocaust is a false analogy

Joseph Puder writes: Speaking at the National Achieves in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday (December 15, 2025), President Barack Hussein Obama compared the Syrian refugees now flooding Europe with Jewish refugees during World War Two (WWII), a comparison that is an … Continue reading

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