Are the girls causing their own shidduch crisis?

Post: While I am not an official “shadchan” I am heavily involved in shidduchim in many different ways. Without a doubt there is certainly shortage of boys on the market. However in many instances I find the girls being overly demanding/choosy in what they are “looking for”. Such as “I only want someone with a plan” why in the world would a 24 year old learning boy need any more of a “plan” other then to learn and trust in hashem?? And those who want working boys complain that he “isn’t serious enough about his learning”. Well yea that is why he isn’t in Yeshiva and he his working with a “plan” as you wanted. And for those of you living in Flatbush there is the new question “does he or doesn’t he wear a farragamo belt”. I’ll agree it’s a bit crazy to spend 360.00 dollars on a belt, but should that be a deciding factor in a shidduch?? (besides many of them are 10.00 dollar imitations). I recently heard a girl complain “I wouldn’t pay a penny to meet a shadchan”, really? why not?? does the shadchan owe you anything to spend hours and hours to try to find you someone–do you know of anyone that works for free?? (for the record i personally have never charged anyone or even accepted anything for any involvement in shidduchim). I certainly feel the pain of the girls in shidduchim, but at the same time they need to know they need to be more flexible and open minded and not make the crisis any more complicated then it already is. Hatzlocha!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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