Monthly Archives: December 2015

1,400 Years of Christian/Islamic Struggle: An Analysis

From CBN: I was very disappointed to see that U.S. News would publish a clearly false article, adopting the world’s clearly false, politically correct (PC) view of the place of the Crusades in history. What makes it even worse, the … Continue reading

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Back To Blood

Comments: * Ideology is more important than ethnicity. * Well, the thing is that people – particularly on the low end of the intelligence and education spectrum – aren’t ideological thinkers. (In truth, even lots of ideological thinkers emote first … Continue reading

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Whither David Frum?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * While Frum seems to “understand” the concerns of middle/working class Republicans, he doesn’t really seem to feel himself to be a part of them, or very sympathetic to them. Instead he seems to be treating … Continue reading

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Why Have Scandinavians Gone Nuts With Immigration?

Comment: Scandinavians are not Christians, most of them are Atheists. Not many Scandinavians go to church. To Scandinavians going to church in 2015 is like owning a VCR in 2015. Churches in Scandinavia are like stores who are going out … Continue reading

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Are you a girl over 22? Then don’t even bother with online dating: Hilarious graph shows men prefer young women

Daily Mail: It’s no secret that men tend to see younger women as more attractive, but the extreme to which this holds true is somewhat alarming. According to a graph based on data from OKCupid dating profiles, women tend to … Continue reading

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