Why Have Scandinavians Gone Nuts With Immigration?

Comment: Scandinavians are not Christians, most of them are Atheists. Not many Scandinavians go to church. To Scandinavians going to church in 2015 is like owning a VCR in 2015. Churches in Scandinavia are like stores who are going out of business.

So Scandinavians love for Muslims and Blacks has ZERO to do with Christian compassion. It has 100 percent to do with White guilt. The Scandinavians who love DIEversity are secular progressive socially Liberal types who want to legalize all drugs, ban all legal gun ownership, legalize same sex marriage, want Transgenders to use Women’s Restrooms, and have unregulated abortions with no limits. These people are not socially Conservative bible thumping Christians like the Graham family and Rick Warren. These Scandinavians would culturally blend right in Manhattan or San Francisco and would feel culturally out of place if they step foot in Tennessee or Texas.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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