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* Ideology is more important than ethnicity.

* Well, the thing is that people – particularly on the low end of the intelligence and education spectrum – aren’t ideological thinkers. (In truth, even lots of ideological thinkers emote first and then align their ideologies with the products of their emotions). Since American politics have degenerated into rather naked appeals to racial/tribal identity (except, of course, for whites), ideology is inherently more flexible. For example, blacks and Hispanics used to report the highest aversion to gay marriage in polls, but had no problem modifying what is supposedly a deeply held belief in order to support candidates more aligned with their “tribes.” And so what must be done in the cases of non-white Republicans (and to an extent, female Republicans) is to deracinate them – to strip them of their racial identities (with an extra dollop of humiliation) and therefore “tribe” membership – in order to herd them back to the ideological true North to which they are only tenuously attached.

* Marco Rubio is a second-generation Mestizo-Cuban migrant. He is married second-generation Mestizo-Hispanic Colombian migrant. Both of them have working class backgrounds. His wife was a cheerleader with associate degree from a community college. Both of them grew up in Latino neighborhood in Cuban Miami. Both Rubio and his wife are Spanish-speaking Catholics. Before Rubio became a career politician he was a small time struggling lawyer trying to become a full-time politician. Rubio is as much Hispanic you can become without being born in Mexico.

Ted Cruz father was born in Cuba to a first-generation bourgeois Spanish migrant family. Cruz’s father left for United States to study mathematics at University of Texas. As a staunch anti-communist (for good reasons) he was granted asylum. After he graduated he had long and successful career in the tech industry in United States and Canada. When returned to United States he became a public figure working as an evangelical pastor. Ted Cruz mother is WASP-American from Delaware with a BA in mathematics and computer science. Ted Cruz is born in Canada, grew up in wealthy Protestant neighborhoods in Texas. Cruz had a dual US-Canadian citizenship until 2013.

Cruz married a blonde upper-middle class Mormon from California. She has made a successful career as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs. She has also close ties to Washington DC. As for Ted Cruz – the only thing which makes him “Hispanic” is that his father was born in Cuba to Spanish parents. The political difference between Rubio and Cruz is that Cruz is a “US-firsters” (but he is also a populist and careerist…he is no Ron Paul) while Rubio has no principles at all. Rubio’s entire campaign is based around what his donors want him to say. Americans see Ted Cruz as an American while they see Rubio as a liberal anchor baby trying to make a living as a donors-puppet in Washington DC.

* Authentic Hispanics build a wall: Peru’s ten-foot high Wall Of Shame topped with razor wire which divides the rich and poor to stop the less well-off stealing from the wealthy.

* If border state Hispanics assimilate so well into U.S society, why has there been massive White flight from border states.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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