Monthly Archives: December 2015

Revolution In America

I’m reading the 2009 book by Neil Strauss — Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life. On page 269, Neil writes: A younger marine, Luke, was speaking. He had close-cropped black hair, thin lips, and small, sparkling brown eyes. “This … Continue reading

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The Artist’s Way

I was telling a friend: “I’ve been journaling since 2010 when I read the book The Artist’s Way… Right now I’m writing out my history of earning, or lack thereof… What I have usually done right at work, what has … Continue reading

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Did Indiscriminate Allied Bombing Of German Cities Lead To The Holocaust?

I’m watching episode four of the Netflix series Apocalypse: World War II and it suggests that mass Allied bombing of civilian targets in Germany in 1942 led to the Holocaust, but when I Google the topic, I can’t find an … Continue reading

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The End Of Christianity?

Comments: Christianity gained great power and wealthy only by going against its own teachings. Jesus and Disciples were all men who didn’t get married and have kids. Jesus preached peace and poverty. Christians gained power by either being un-Christian or … Continue reading

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The Destruction Of Europe Through Migration

MORE COMMENTS: * Ironically, the fall of the Berlin Wall, a quarter century ago, which precipitated the collapse of the eastern bloc, and the so-called ‘liberation’ of eastern Europe – including the former GDR, will, in the historic perspective price … Continue reading

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