The Destruction Of Europe Through Migration


* Ironically, the fall of the Berlin Wall, a quarter century ago, which precipitated the collapse of the eastern bloc, and the so-called ‘liberation’ of eastern Europe – including the former GDR, will, in the historic perspective price to be the biggest mistake those nations ever made in their histories.

As we get lectured nonstop, east Europe was, supposedly, ‘poor’ under communism. Now in the clutches of the EU of is, supposedly, ‘rich’.
In the great historical scheme of things, these minor differences between ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ mean damn-all. Just having a roof over your head and enough food in your belly sustained the world for countless generations.
Now, the EU, for perverse reasons all of its own *INSISTS* that the ancient nations east Europe – including the former GDR transform themselves into black/brown majority states, and effectively erase millennia of genetic and historic continuity.
That and NOT communism, as practised in east Europe, is the real unmitigated disaster and catastrophe.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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