Monthly Archives: November 2015

Obama Administration Supports Muslims Filing Suit For Discrimination

The Obama administration, like all the major American Jewish organizations, are on the side of the fringe against the core. REPORT: After months of refusing to step in among several religious liberty lawsuits filed by Christians involving same-sex weddings, the … Continue reading

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* My favorite sentence: “Could you look at this and tell me if there are any mistakes?” * I saw this poor little black kid (about 2yo) of a single mom with no teeth, no shoes. I guess he’ll get … Continue reading

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Far-right French historian, 78-year-old Dominique Venner, commits suicide in Notre Dame in protest against gay marriage

From 2013: A far-right French historian shot himself in the head beside the altar of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris today apparently in protest against the legalisation of gay marriage in France. Dominique Venner, 78, a former member of the … Continue reading

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Do White Lives Matter?

From the New York Times: Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds By GINA KOLATA NOV. 2, 2015 Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Campaign to Demographically Overwhelm Australia

From Steve Sailer: A key part of imposing the Camp of the Saints on Europe is to demoralize Europeans with the argument that it’s impossible for European countries to maintain land and sea borders: Whaddaya whaddaya? Dontcha know, the migrant … Continue reading

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