Monthly Archives: November 2015

‘Weapons Of Mass Migration’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * These events should just be called invasions. Who cares if the invaders aren’t wearing uniforms or carrying guns? They are invading. They are trespassing. If someone were to come onto my property uninvited and refuse … Continue reading

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Does Jonathan Franzen Belong On The Alt-Right?

Comments at the Chateau: * Houellebecq, along with Tom Wolfe, are the greatest novelists of our age and, not coincidentally, they are also alt-right, neodark, reactoshivvian crimethinkers and sexual market surveyors of unparalleled keen perception. The Left’s causes are exhausted, … Continue reading

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‘Is throwing blacks off of planes and trains for being rowdy the next big thing?’

Steve Sailer sets the scene. US-based Spirit Airlines accused of racism after throwing 6 black passengers off plane Passengers of Spirit Airlines Flight 868 accused the company of racism after an altercation over a seat resulted in three black couples … Continue reading

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Wedding video – Bas Kol – בס-קול חיים שלמה מאיעס

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Whites In Decline

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The self-extermination of whites via depression and demoralization will continue until morale improves. * And to think, 50 years ago our best minds were certain that men really wanted out of those horrible factory jobs, … Continue reading

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