Monthly Archives: November 2015

Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’m surprised to see so many HBD types saying “gender” without irony when they mean sex. It was originally a grammatical term. The gender of a noun doesn’t always correspond to the sex of what … Continue reading

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NYT Editorial: “False Alarms About a National Crime Wave”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * So, is there any correlation between the size of those communities and their city’s place on the list? (Note: the US is about 12% African American.) Here are the top ten cities from highest to … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Crime | Comments Off on NYT Editorial: “False Alarms About a National Crime Wave”

The Realignment

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Republicans and Democrats tend to live in different types of families. Two-thirds of Republicans (67%) are married, and 57% are married with children. Among Democrats, only 45% are married (38% are married with children). Democrats … Continue reading

Posted in America, Whites | Comments Off on The Realignment

What’s Up With All The Fat Incompetent Female Police?

Comment: Colorado shooting. Check out the tub of lard female police spokesman and then read about how the women on the force are suing to stop fitness requirements. “Last Friday the Colorado Springs Police Department agreed to the demands of … Continue reading

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Have You Had The Thrill Of Emancipating A Slave?

Perhaps Fetlife? Comment: I have been trying to find an international anti-slavery society that will let me donate money to them to purchase African slaves (for immediate emancipation, of course). Unfortunately, they just want donations so THEY can buy slaves … Continue reading

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