Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I’m surprised to see so many HBD types saying “gender” without irony when they mean sex. It was originally a grammatical term. The gender of a noun doesn’t always correspond to the sex of what it designates. If you’re learning German, you’d better not assume that Mädchen is feminine because it means girl. I’m sure it was because of this that feminists substituted gender for sex – it emphasises the concept of sex as something that’s fluid or arbitrarily assigned.

* “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” Because historians and other moderns are prejudiced against them. Exhibit A: these women.

Phyllis Schlafly probably had more of an effect on 20th-century America than any other woman, including Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton– pushing the Goldwater nomination, which birthed the revival of the right; blocking a constitutional amendment three states from ratification; bringing both movements together for the GOP’s Reagan revolution. But she still only has one biography.

Check out Bill Kauffman’s sympathetic treatment of the antisuffragists in With Good Intentions.

Or do a comparison of the treatment of contemporaries Anne Hutchinson and Deborah Moody. Deborah who?, you ask. Precisely the point.

* I’m relieved to see a party for women at last. Now we can expect them to sweep into power on a promise of stopping the importation of millions of backward Muslim misogynists, and the dismissal and prosecution of every last public employee in places like Rotherham who turned a blind eye to the Pakistani rape epidemic. You want women to have an equal start in life – how about not being raped before you’re thirteen?

* >Here’s a clip from QI with Sandi Toksvig discussing whether women are funny*. Jack Dee delivers quite a zinger if you can hang in there till the end.

* Getting OT, but I’d be remiss not to include a link to Christopher Hitchens sharing his thoughts on this topic as well.

* Sandi Toksvig – a tubby, leftist, ugly bulldyke is propagating the latest CM misandric abuse. Well I’m shocked, shocked, SHOCKED!!!

* Usual suspects; kosher and/or queer.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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