Monthly Archives: November 2015

German grandmother, 87, is sentenced to ten months in jail for denying the Holocaust and saying Auschwitz was ‘just a labour camp’

Germany jails people for voicing opinions about history. Europeans should all get cards that sketch out which opinions you are allowed to voice and which opinions will get you sentenced to jail. Should all anti-Jewish opinions be illegal? What about … Continue reading

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When I look For Wisdom…

When I look for wisdom, I look for someone like this: “Janell Ross is a reporter for The Fix who writes about race, gender, immigration and inequality.” Janell Ross writes: Donald Trump is either launching a new, even-Trumpier campaign, or … Continue reading

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The Smart States

The Overton Window is shifting with more mainstream discussion on the importance of IQ. From today’s Washington Post: Iowa is one of the smartest states in America. This is necessarily hard to figure out, of course, given that “stupid” is … Continue reading

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The New ‘Black’ Administrator Named Missouri System’s Interim Head Looks As Black As Dwight Eisenhower

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You know, this is why I never got the one-drop rule. You’re an eighth black, you’re practically white. I’m sorry. I know I can’t comprehend the purity of the Aryan ideal but after a while … Continue reading

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Creating Safe Spaces On Campus

Published on Nov 12, 2015: Students at Claremont McKenna College in California who are demanding a racially segregated “safe space” for “marginalized identities,” silenced and embarrassed an Asian woman when she described how she had been racially harassed by an … Continue reading

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