Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Holocaust Denial Mindset

The essence of the Holocaust denial mind is this: “You forced us to do this. We never wanted to kill innocents such as women and children, but you gave us no choice with your radical destructive war on everything we … Continue reading

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Holocaust Museum Sees a U.S. Duty to Syrian Refugees

Chaim Amalek: “Jesus Christ, if there is one argument that the friends of Israel (which I assume includes the Holocaust Museum) need to avoid making, it is this one. Otherwise, the goyim might well ask why Israel is not accepting … Continue reading

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Race & Safe Spaces

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Black men are physically more attractive than white, being better built and more muscular β€” and usually able to beat the stuffing out of white men, which whites of both sexes know. They are also … Continue reading

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Rash Of Suicides At Palo Alto High School

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The cruelty of life in the meritocratic upper class. The tragedy of the meritocracy is that the children of smart parents are inevitably likely to be dumber than their parents. If meritocratic upper class culture … Continue reading

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NYT: “Study Strongly Links Baltimore Mortgage Denials to Race”

Steve Sailer writes: “Baltimore blacks were long dogged by malicious stereotypes spread by The Wire, but their behavior in 2015 β€” first rioting, then murdering each other in large numbers β€” has demonstrated their financial trustworthiness. How delusionally racist are … Continue reading

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