Monthly Archives: November 2015

Clever Sillies

Gregory Cochran writes: “I often get the feeling that bright people are particularly susceptible to moderately complicated intellectual scams, like Marx and Freud and foot reflexology.”

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Hillel students join Amherst protest against alleged bias on campus

The coalition of the fringe unites against the core. Contrary to myth, Jews and blacks have rarely had much to do with each other, you can’t find two peoples more different, but on occasion, radicals in both groups join in … Continue reading

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Jews & IQ

Comments to Anatoly Karlin: * “One could speculate of some self interested motives for that anti-genetic IQ mind-set, such as supply and demand.” An obvious example of this would be Jewish elites, who are a very high IQ elite that … Continue reading

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Correlation Between Average IQ & GNP

Anatoly Karlin writes: There is a wealth of evidence implying an exponential relationship between average IQ and income and wealth in the United States. Click to enlarge. There is likewise a wealth of evidence – from Lynn, Rindermann, La Griffe … Continue reading

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Chilling new video shows black teen student wearing gloves as he stalks his beautiful white smiling high school math teacher to the restroom ‘before brutally raping and murdering her’

DailyMail: Philip Chism, 16, is charged with murdering his ninth-grade math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24, in October 2013 when he was 14 Chism refused to go back into the courtroom Tuesday saying he was ‘about to explode’ – causing court … Continue reading

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