Jews & IQ

Comments to Anatoly Karlin:

* “One could speculate of some self interested motives for that anti-genetic IQ mind-set, such as supply and demand.”

An obvious example of this would be Jewish elites, who are a very high IQ elite that tends to promote policies that lower IQ among their host populations and thus potential competitors for elite positions. It seems unlikely that this is deliberate or conscious, but it’s obvious how such tendencies could evolve.

* Countries like the US vacuum up the smart fraction of other countries (brain drain) like China, India and even west european countries, strengthening their own human capital at the expense of others.

This brain drain can confound the correlation between average IQ and development because it is driven by a smart fraction that doesn’t impact the average IQ of either country as it’s numerically too small.

* The host population of the US was mainly gentile northern European. This population provided the WASP elite that dominated elite positions and institutions in the US until about half a century ago, and was the primary competition against Jews for elite positions and excluded Jews from them. They no longer dominate them nor pose any serious competition for them as a group.

Zuckerberg wants to increase H-1b visas and the supply of labor in order to have cheaper and more compliant employees.

* As per Lynn, northern hunter-gatherers (the Arctic peoples) have a mean IQ of 91. Southern hunter-gatherers like Bushmen and Australian Aborigines have mean IQs in the 60s.

There is a north-south intelligence gradient among agriculturalists as well. Finns have a higher mean IQ than Spaniards, who have a higher mean IQ than Egyptians, who have a higehr mean IQ than Bantus. The Chinese have a higher mean IQ than SE Asians who have a higher mean IQ than Papuan agriculturalists.

Classic-era Greeks and Republican-era Romans were of a northern European physical type. There are many literary references to light hair and light eyes among them. The stereotypical early Roman was held to be red-haired. The Greek gods were typically described as blond. They were depicted that way too – there are microscopic remains of paint on some of the old statues. The hair was painted light.

Ancient Greeks and Romans also had a typically northern-European, egalitarian political set-ups. Elections, popular assemblies, term limits. Their military successes were made possible by discipline and altruism. The Romans fought Germanics to a standstill along the Rhine. It’s impossible to imagine later Italians competing with Germans as equals in the military sphere.

Light hair, high IQ and egalitarianism must have been brought to Greece and Italy by conquest from the north in pre-historic times. The warm climate allowed the notherners to increase their population density. Eventually cities were born, and with them the first Western high-IQ civilization.

High IQ, writing and civilization (though not light hair or egalitarianism) were brought to southern China from northern China in historical times.

Modern Greeks and Italians are to a large extent descended from Middle Eastern slaves whom ancient Greeks and Romans imported as cheap labor. As Greece and Italy became more Middle Eastern, egalitarianism was gradually replaced by despotism in them. As the levels of discipline and altruism decreased, native troops had to be replaced by Germanic mercenaries.

When high IQ occurs among southern peoples, it is among merchants and aristocrats, not among farmers. High latitudes only select for high IQ among hunter-gatherers and farmers.

* India has a very broad distribution of intelligences thanks to its caste system. The Brahmins are in some sense India’s Jews.

* The Arctic peoples have a mean IQ that’s higher than those of many Middle Eastern or SE Asian peoples, yet their native material culture is much simpler. Why? Because their harsh environment couldn’t support a complicated civilization with the hunter-gatherer (or agricultural) lifestyle.

The Finns of the 18th century hadn’t contributed much to civilization either. Yet we can be quite sure that 18th century Finnish farmers were more intelligent than 18th century Persian farmers because modern Finns are more intelligent than modern Persians, the nutritional gains would have been similar at the lower class level and natural selection doesn’t work that fast. It’s just that sparsely populated farmland isn’t conducive to civilization.

* The Finns of the 18th century quite possibly contributed to civilization in spades.

It’s just that they did it in the New World, having gotten free of Swedish rule in both Finland, Sweden, and the mid-Atlantic.

* White gentiles stand with Jews against Muslim ‘anti-semites’ and others—whites will also always side with Jews against blatantly anti-Jewish blacks, but Jews stand with violent black thugs against whites.

What is the point of sucking up to Jews when Jews act like this?

Jews are high intelligence, low integrity. Of course, not all Jews are like this, but plenty are. Too many Jews are like Jordan Belfort in WOLF OF WALL STREET.

Also, even good Jews are not to be trusted in most cases. Why? Even though they are conscious of bad Jewish behavior and sincerely wish it to stop, they are afraid that airing dirty laundry will give voice to ‘anti-semites’.

They feel caught between bad Jews(who keep giving ammo to ‘anti-semites’) and ‘anti-semites’ who simply hate, hate, and hate Jews.

Nations with intelligence and integrity are the best. Generally speaking, integrity is easier to come by in a homogeneous society of high intelligence since the issues are less about tribalism than about right and wrong (corruption, clean government, and etc.)

But then, excessive integrity-ism can lead to something like Sweden. Swedish obsession with becoming a ‘moral superpower’ made it completely blind to its self-demise as a race, nation, and tradition. Integrity goes beyond tribalism, but integrity that ignores the power of race and tribe(especially of other peoples who are still driven by identity politics) is bound to lose, and Sweden is finished.

In Sweden, homogeneity and integrity made for a peaceful and prosperous society. This made people complacent and unworried about their well-being and survival. Taking their own security for granted, they came to idealize the world as something to save. Success led to naive idiocy.

In the end, one must choose nativity over naivete.

When it comes to race and abilities, I think we also need a bit of Racial Relativism.

The problem of the world is too many peoples judge themselves in relation to others. It should be obvious that some races are stronger, smarter, cleverer, creative-er, individualistic-er, and etc., but it’s all relative, and people should think and live within their own general limitations.

For example, the notion that white men are slow or can’t jump is purely relativistic. White men are not slow and they can jump among their own kind. It is only a ‘problem’ relative to blacks who can jump higher and move faster.

Mexicans are not short among their own kind. They are ‘short’ relative to white gringos who are generally taller.

Blacks are not dumb among their own kind. They are ‘dumb’ relative to whites, Asians, and especially Jews.

So, all racial assets and abilities are relative, and we keep bumping into problems cuz we judge various races by norms of other races.

We need to establish the norms of each race, and make members of that race feel comfortable within those norms. And there is bound to less problem if we keep the races apart.

For instance, in a white world, white men can run fast and jump high… by their own standards. White men begin to feel inferior relative to blacks. So, the solution is a Closed System that keeps blacks out of white nations.

As for black nations, they should focus on their intellectual limits and work within those norms instead of constantly looking at richer non-black nations and bitching, “sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiit, why they richer than us? Must be ‘racism’, shoo.” Okay, the bongo wongo Africans don’t speak American ebonics, but then maybe they do nowadays since rap music is big in Africa too.

Keep races apart and let them become accustomed to their own norms.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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